Pulsar configuration

In this step we will describe how to configure the Pulsar endpoint and turn it on. The RabbitMQ URL, described in the step before (Get RabbitMQ credentials), is needed to proceed.


hostname configuration

We need to refer to a proper FQDN hostname for your Pulsar server, if it doesn’t have it you can easily create one into your local machine in this way:

Add the following line to your /etc/hosts file:

<Central-Manager-Public-IP-address> <pulsar-fqdn-hostname> <pulsar-endpoint-name>

Where the Central-Manager-Public-IP-address is the public IP address of the Central Manager VM, <pulsar-fqdn-hostname> is the FQDN hostname and the pulsar-endpoint-name is the custom name of your endpoint.

For example:

  • it02 is the pulsar-endpoint-name

  • it02.pulsar.galaxyproject.eu is the <pulsar-fqdn-hostname>

  • is the Central-Manager-Public-IP-address

Pulsar configuration

# is a fork needed?

  1. Clone the Pulsar infrastructure playbook Github repository:

    git clone https://github.com/usegalaxy-eu/pulsar-infrastructure-playbook.git
  2. Creates several needed files

    Enter in the pulsar-infrastructure-playbook directory:

    cd pulsar-infrastructure-playbook

    and execute:

    make preparation FQDN=pulsar-fqdn-hostname

    “Make” makes these changes:

    • Updates the inventory file, adding an entry for your Pulsar endpoint

    • creates a job_metrics file into files/pulsar-fqdn-hostname

    • creates an host var file into host_vars/pulsar-fqdn-hostname

    • Create a template yaml file for your endpoint into templates/pulsar-fqdn-hostname

  3. Revise/update all the files created in the step above accordingly with your setup requirements.

  4. Configure the Pulsar endpoint using the Makefile.

    First of all, check if everything is fine with:

    $ make check

    and, finally, apply changes to Pulsar and turn it on:

    $ make apply